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Plugable USB-C ハブ 11-in-1 マルチアダプター イーサネット付き
$87.95 USD
SKU: USBC-11IN1EAmazon Rating : (178 Reviews)
- 11 ポートによる拡張性 - 1 つの USB-C ポートまたは Thunderbolt 4/3 ポートを、11 の様々なポートに拡張することができます。 この USB-C ハブは、USB 3.0 ポート x 3、ギガビット・イーサネットポート x 1、4K HDMI ポート x 2、SD/MicroSD カードリーダーなどを搭載しています。
- 4K HDMI モニター 2 台に対応 - 最大解像度 4K @ 60Hz 対応 HDMI ポートが 2 つあり、Windows または ChromeOS システムでは簡単に外部モニタ 2 台(拡張モード)を接続することができます。ただし Mac システムでは、拡張モード接続できる外部モニタは 1 台までです(2 台接続すると複製モードとなる)。
- 多種多様なポート - 持ち運びにも便利なこのコンパクトなハブを使うと、オフィスや家庭で簡単に外部モニタやその他のデバイスを接続でき、拡張された画面領域で作業をすることができます。USB-C x 1、USB 3.0 x 3、SD/MicroSD リーダー、3.5mm オーディオ入出力ポート、イーサネットポートだけでなく、電源パススルー用の USB-C PD 入力ポートがあります。PD 対応電源(この製品には付属しません)を接続すると、92W までの電流でコンピュータを充電できます。ただし PC 搭載の USB-C ポートのすべてが PD 充電に対応しているわけではありませんのでご注意ください。
- 互換性 - Thunderbolt 4 ポート、または DP 1.4 以上の代替モードに対応した USB-C ポート搭載の Windows 10 以上、ChromeOS 100 以上のシステムで、2 台の拡張モード・モニタを接続できます。macOS 11 以上でも使用できますが、拡張モードで接続できるモニタは 1 台までです。
- 2 年の品質保証 - Plugable は 2 年間の品質保証およびメールでのサポートをご提供いたします。正規販売元よりご購入ください。製品について質問がございましたら、Plugable Japan サポートまでお気軽にご連絡ください。
[米国内のみ] 当サイトから注文の場合送料無料
この Plugable の 11-in-1 ハブは、単純な USB-C ハブではなく、それ以上の機能を提供することができる、ドッキングステーションと同等の拡張性を提供します。100W USB-C パススルー充電(うち 92W を使用可能)、4K@60Hz 対応 HDMI ポート x 2、USB 3.0(5Gpbs) ポート x 3、USB-C(5Gpbs) ポート x 1、SD / microSD カードスロット、そして 3.5mm オーディオ入出力ポート、ギガビットイーサネット(1Gbps)が搭載されています。有線イーサネット接続をすれば、WiFi よりも安定した接続が確保できます。
Windows システムに 2 台の 4K モニタを接続
ノートパソコンのディスプレイだけでは、仕事を効率的にこなすには不十分なことがあります。そのような際には多機能 USB C ハブに搭載の HDMI ポートを使い、外部モニタを接続できます。一般的な USB-C ハブにとうさいされている HDMI ポートは 1 つだけですが、この Plugable USBC-11IN1E ハブには HDMI ポートが 2つあります。
Windows または ChromeOS システムでこのハブを使うと、解像度 4K@60Hz までの超高解像度モニタを 2 台、拡張モードで接続することができます。ただし、4K@60Hz モニタを 2 台接続するには、接続するシステム側の USB-C ポートが DP 1.4 および MST(マルチストリームトランスポート)機能をサポートしている必要があります。
Mac システムでは、4K@60Hz 解像度までの拡張モードでの外部モニタ接続は 1 台に制限されますので注意してください。もしこのハブを経由して 2 台目の HDMI モニタを接続すると、1 台目の外部モニタの複製が表示されます。
100W パススルー充電
この USB ハブは、バスパワー(USB-C 電源アダプタを使用しないモード)またはセルフパワー(電源アダプタを使用するモード)のいずれでも使用できます。
この USB-C ハブの充電パススルー用 USB-C ポートに、ノート PC の USB-C 電源アダプターを接続すると、システムを充電することができます。(もし電源アダプタを接続しないと、当ハブはバスパワーモードで動作します。)
100W までの USB-C PD 入力をサポートし、8~15W をハブと接続されたデバイスのために使用します。残りの 92W 程度が、接続されているホストシステムへ給電されます。
この USB C マルチポートハブは、多機能とポータビリティを兼ね備えています。 堅牢に設計されたこのハブは、少ない設置面積でノート PC に様々なポートを追加できるだけでなく、リモートオフィスに通勤する際にも持ち運びが可能なサイズです。
コンパクトで丈夫なアルミニウム製で、すべてのポートがアクセスしやすく配置され、磨耗や損傷への耐久性を備えます。このハブには専用の電源アダプターは付属していませんが、PD 充電規格対応の USB-C充電器(ノート PC に付属してきた電源アダプターなど)を使用できます。
ポートタイプ(側面 1 ) | ケーブル仕様 | ポートタイプ(側面 2 ) | ケーブル長 | ケーブル用外部電源 |
USB-C オス(DisplayPort 代替モード対応) | USB 3.0(5 Gbps) | 直付けケーブル(取り外し不可) | 0.44m/1.45ft | いいえ |
ポート | 場所 | 仕様 | 最大解像度とリフレッシュレート | HDCP | チップセット |
2xHDMI 4K (出力) |
背面 | HDMI 2.0 | 3840x2160 @ 30Hz 3840x2160 @ 60Hz3840x1600 @ 30Hz 3440x1440 @ 30Hz 2560x1440 @ 60Hz 1920x1200 @ 60Hz 1920x1080 @ 60Hz 1600x900 @ 60Hz 1280x1024 @ 60Hz 1280x800 @ 60Hz 1280x720 @ 60Hz 1152x864 @ 60Hz 1024x768 @ 60Hz 800x600 @ 60Hz 640x480 @ 60Hz |
モニターの仕様に依存 | VMM6210 Synaptics |
ポート | 場所 | 接続方法 | 最大ビット深度とサンプルレート | 信号出力 | チャネル | チップセット |
HDMI (出力) |
背面 | HDMI | デジタル | |||
音声入出力ジャック (双方向) |
前面 | 3.5mm (TRRS) | アナログ |
ポート | 場所 | 電源 ホスト/デバイス | 接続タイプ | 備考 | 電圧 | アンペア | ワット数 |
USB-C パススルー充電用 | 背面 | 周辺機器 | USB-C PD 充電規格 3.0 | 20.0V まで | 5.0A | Up to 100. | |
USB Type-C | 側面 | ホスト PC | USB-C PD 充電規格 3.0 | セルフパワー(USB-C 電源アダプタ接続)時のみホスト充電可能 | 20.0V まで | 4.6A | Up to 92.0 |
デバイス接続用 USB ポート
ポート | 場所 | バージョンとリンクレート | 機能 | 電圧 | アンペア | ワット数 |
3x USB-A | 背面 | USB 3.0(5 Gbps) | 5V | 900mA | 4.5W | |
1x USB-C | 前面 | USB 3.0(5 Gbps) | 5V | 1500mA | 7.5W |
ポート | 場所 | バージョンとリンクレート | 機能 |
1x USB-C | 側面 | USB 3.0(5 Gbps) | DP 代替モード・ビデオ |
有線 LAN ネットワーク
ポート | 場所 | バージョンとリンクレート | 機能 | チップセット |
ギガビット・イーサネット | 背面 | 1000BASE-T | AX88179A ASIX |
項目 | サイズ(高さ×幅×奥行き)または長さ | 重量 | 製品番号 |
USBC-11IN1E ハブ | 1.5 x 22.2 x 4.5 cm |
188 g |
メディア・インターフェース | バス・インターフェース | バス・スピード | チップセット |
Micro SD | Ultra-High Speed I(UHS-I) | 104 MB/s | Realtek RTS5326 |
SD、SDHC、SDXC、または MMC | Ultra-High Speed II (UHS-II) | 312 MB/s | Realtek RTS5326 |
互換性のあるシステム | Plug and Play installation on any Chromebook/Windows hosts which support Alternate Mode (Alt Mode) video output functionality. Note: 11-in-1 hub can work with MacBook and iPad hosts with Thunderbolt 3/4 ports, but macOS and iPadOS cannot support dual external displays using MST. These displays will be mirrored or you can only achieve one external display in extended mode. |
互換性のないシステム | Systems with a USB-C port that does not support USB-C Power Delivery, Alternate mode or Thunderbolt 3 or 4 will not work. Microsoft Surface Pro 8 and prior versions are not currently supported for dual 4K 60Hz. |
4K におけるリフレッシュレート | 4K@60Hz モニタを同時に 2 台接続するには、この製品を接続する PC システムの USB-C ポートが DisplayPort 1.4 および DSC に対応しているか、Thunderbolt 3 または 4 に対応している必要があります。もし DP 1.2 や DSC に非対応のポートに接続した場合、データ待機幅の制限によりそれ以下の解像度までしか表示できません。 |
1. 当マルチハブをノートパソコンのグラフィック出力および充電に対応した USB-C ポートに接続する
2. USB-C PD 規格対応の電源アダプタを接続します。次に USB デバイスや外部モニター、SDカードなどを接続します。
注意:充電および HDMI 出力には、USB-C PD(Power Delivery )充電 規格および DisplayPort 代替モード(Alt モード)規格に対応したホスト機器へ接続する必要があります。全ての USB-C ポートがこの両者の規格に対応しているわけではありません。
この製品についてご質問がありましたら、「アマゾン注文番号」を添えて nihongo@plugable.com まで日本語でご連絡ください。
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How do I know if my computer supports Multi-Stream Transport (MST)?
Most modern laptops that support USB-C DisplayPort 1.2 Alt Mode should Support two displays.
You may have to research some technical specifications for your laptop to see exactly what version of DisplayPort your computer supports.
- DisplayPort 1.2 should allow for two 1080p@60Hz displays to be connected.
- DisplayPort 1.4 should allow for two 4K@60Hz displays to be connected.
- DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC 1.2 support should allow you to connect 8K@60Hz displays.
Display Stream Compression (DSC) 1.2 enables visually lossless compression for ultra-high-definition (UHD) displays, while also supporting High Dynamic Range (HDR).
If you're unsure or can't find the appropriate technical specifications for the version of DisplayPort your computer supports, you may want to contact the computer manufacturer support team for more detailed information.
USB Port Types
pietz, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
This is the standard USB connection that most computers offered prior to the introduction of USB Type-C (USB-C). Even after the introduction of USB Type-C, this is still quite common.
It can provide data transfer rates up to the USB 3.1 Gen 2 (10 gbps) specification depending on the host and device, but does not directly support video in the way that USB-C Alternate Mode does. This limitation makes DisplayLink USB graphics adapters and docking stations ideal on systems that do not have USB-C, or in instances where more displays are needed beyond available video outputs of a PC.
Fred the Oyster, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
IngenieroLoco, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
This type of connection comes in a couple different styles depending on whether USB 3.0 and higher transfer rates are supported (bottom graphic). Usually this type of connection is used to plug into USB devices that do not have a fixed cable connected, such as USB docking stations, USB hubs, printers, and others.
USB Mini-B
Fred the Oyster, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
One of the first connectors for charging a smartphone, wireless game controller (such as the Sixaxis and DualShock 3), and other small devices such as external hard drives. Not commonly used today, but is still used in some cases. Most devices using USB Mini B are using USB 2.0, though a USB 3.0 variant does exist. This specification also added USB On-The-Go (OTG) functionality, though it is more commonly implemented with Micro USB.
USB Micro-B
Fred the Oyster, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
IngenieroLoco, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
A smaller connector that serves many of the same uses as the Mini B connector, with added optional features such as Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) to allow devices like smartphones to output video to larger displays without requiring a dedicated port for video output.
The larger variant of USB-B is most commonly used for external hard drives for higher 5Gbps transfer rates.
USB-C, Thunderbolt™ 3, and Thunderbolt™ 4
Niridya , CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The most recent USB connection, USB Type-C (USB-C), represents a major change in what USB can do. The connector is smaller, can be connected in two orientations, is able to carry substantially more power and data, and can directly carry video signals of multiple types (HDMI, DisplayPort, etc.) Intel has also adapted the USB-C connector for use with Thunderbolt 3 and Thunderbolt 4.
It is important to note that while all Thunderbolt 3 and Thunderbolt 4 connections are USB-C, not all USB-C connections can be used with Thunderbolt 3 or Thunderbolt 4 devices.
More details regarding physical USB connections can be found on Wikipedia . The graphics depicted here are adapted from Wikimedia Commons by various artists under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Can I Connect a DisplayPort (DP) Monitor to the HDMI Port on This Device Using an Adapter or Cable?
No. Most DisplayPort to HDMI cables and adapters are one-way adapters from a DisplayPort Source (computer or docking station) to a HDMI Sink (television, computer monitor, or projector). These cables do not work in reverse.
DisplayPort uses packet-based data transmission, breaking the video stream into individual packets of data allows for longer cable runs, use in both copper and fiber-optic cables, and allows for higher bandwidth than other video formats. It is relatively easy to convert from DisplayPort to HDMI (computers with HDMI output ports already do this internally) and dual-mode DisplayPort outputs have built-in adapters to output a HDMI signal for use with passive DisplayPort to HDMI adapters.
HDMI uses a video signal, similar to DVI, this requires more power to operate at the same cable lengths as DisplayPort and requires significantly more processing power to create DisplayPort packet-based data.
Externally powered HDMI to DisplayPort adapters do exist, these generally have a USB or small barrel plug for power, and can convert from a HDMI Source to DisplayPort Sink. In most cases they have reduced resolution or refresh rates compared to modern signal sources and can introduce delay in the data connection between the display and computer potentially causing reduced connectivity or display performance problems.
We do not currently recommend using HDMI to DisplayPort adapter with our docking stations. In our testing they have been unreliable compared to a native DisplayPort connection. Many of our newer docking stations include both HDMI and DisplayPort outputs to reduce the need for additional adapters or adapter cables.
Understanding and Troubleshooting Network Performance
Computer networking is a complex topic. In this article, we'll be taking a deep dive on the nuances of network performance for those who need some additional explanation while striving to be concise, and to educate users of various experience levels relating computer hardware and computer networking.
If you just need to know how to perform a network performance test/benchmark, jump down to configuring iPerf.
Core Network Concepts
With regards to network performance, it is crucial to first separate whether an issue is with Wide Area Network (WAN) performance, or if the issue is with Local Area Network (LAN) performance.
Your LAN is essentially the network inside your home or business. Many homes use a combination modem/router device provided by their Internet Service Provider (ISP). In some cases, especially in businesses, you may have a separate modem and router, along with other equipment connecting to the router such as a network switch.
Your modem, and the connection it establishes to your ISP—whether through coaxial cable, fiber, phone lines, or long-range wireless—essentially marks the point between the WAN and the LAN. The connection your modem makes to your ISP is the WAN, and any devices you connect through your router behind that modem belong to the LAN.
Link Rate
Almost every type of connection your computer makes to any piece of hardware will have a link rate of some kind. The link rate establishes how fast data can possibly be transferred across any given connection, but it does not guarantee how fast the hardware on either end of the connection will actually transfer data.
The concept of link rates, and their related bottlenecks, is likely best conveyed by giving an example of what connections might be involved in transferring a file from one computer on your LAN to another.
- 800Mbps—The file source is a USB 3.0 thumb drive capable of 100MB/s (800Mbps) read/write.
- 480Mbps—The USB 3.0 thumb drive is plugged into a USB 2.0 port on the PC, which has a maximum throughput of 480Mbps
- 1000Mbps—PC1's Ethernet connection establishes 1Gbps (1000Mbps) link to the router via Ethernet
- 300Mbps—The router connects to a second PC (we'll refer to this as PC2) via Wi-Fi, and it has established a 300Mbps link to the Wi-Fi adapter on PC2
- 480Mbps—The Wi-Fi adapter on PC2 is connected via a USB 2.0 port. The link rate of the USB connection to PC2 is at 480Mbps
- 6000Mbps—PC2 is going to store the file on an internal hard drive with a link rate of 6Gbps
- 1600Mbps—File Destination: SATA hard drive capable of 200MB/s (1600Mbps) read/write.
Following this chain, we see that 300Mbps is the slowest link rate established. This means that, regardless of the link rates established elsewhere, the absolute maximum the data can possibly be transferred is 300Mbps.
if we were to change the Wi-Fi connection to a wired Ethernet connection capable of 1Gbps, our performance bottleneck would then become the USB 2.0 connection to the USB drive where the file is stored.
Ports and Interfaces
A network interface represents connections, whether wired or wireless, that are made to form a network between devices.
Some may refer to physical hardware connections as "ports". For the purposes of networking, ports are logical constructs that can also be referred to as "network ports". Each network interface has 65,535 of these logical ports. Each port on a network interface is a separate data connection.
Benchmarking Network Adapter Performance
To properly benchmark network adapter performance, we need to:
- Use a simple LAN configuration
- Eliminate bottlenecks, especially link rate bottlenecks
Websites like speedtest.net, fast.com, and other performance tools in your web browser are going to use your WAN connection, and are not appropriate for determining if a network adapter is working well.
Transferring files from one computer to another on your LAN is typically not the best way to benchmark a network adapter. File transfers are bottlenecked by a number of things, including performance limitations of the disk the data is on, and often times a lack of establishing parallel network connections to perform the task.
One of the most accurate ways to benchmark network performance on a LAN is by using iPerf . To more effectively benchmark network adapter performance, it is best to establish a point-to-point connection between two PCs, rather than connecting through a router or switch.
Configuring iPerf
To test a connection using iPerf, you'll need at least two network interfaces, and preferably two computers. You'll also need to know the IP (Internet Protocol) address assigned to each network interface . One network interface will function as an iPerf server, and the other network interface will function as an iPerf client. Lastly, you'll need to download the version of iPerf 3.x that's appropriate for your computer's operating system and extract/install it .
- Make sure the drivers for both network interfaces involved in the test are using up-to-date drivers. Drivers for Plugable products can be found here.
- Download and extract iPerf for Windows
- Open Command Prompt
- Press Windows Key + R or + R, then enter
in the window that appears - Search the Start Menu for
Command Prompt
, and open it
- Press Windows Key + R or + R, then enter
- Navigate Command Prompt to the directory the directory where iPerf is located
- The
command is for 'change directory'- If you have a folder named 'iperf' on your Windows desktop, you can reach it in command prompt with the command
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\iperf
- If you have a folder named 'iperf' on your Windows desktop, you can reach it in command prompt with the command
- The
- Run iperf in server mode via Command Prompt
iperf3.exe -s
- Usually it is best to install iperf on macOS using brew in Terminal
- Make sure the drivers for both network interfaces involved in the test are using up-to-date drivers
- Open Terminal
- Run iPerf in server mode
iperf3 -s
- Usually it is best to install iperf using the package manager in your Linux distro. For example, in Ubuntu, use
: sudo apt install iperf3
- Make sure the drivers for both network interfaces involved in the test are using up-to-date Drivers
- Open Terminal
- Run iPerf in server mode
iperf3 -s
Next, you'll need to run iPerf in client mode, targeting the IP address of the server/interface where iPerf is running in server mode. Additionally, we'll run the test for 30 seconds using -t 30
and with four parallel connections using -P 4
. Running 4 parallel connections is optimal for saturating a network link.
- Open Command Prompt
- Press Windows Key + R or + R, then enter
in the window that appears - Search the Start Menu for
Command Prompt
, and open it
- Press Windows Key + R or + R, then enter
- Navigate Command Prompt to the directory the directory where iPerf is located
- The
command is for 'change directory'- If you have a folder named 'iperf' on your Windows desktop, you can reach it in command prompt with the command
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\iperf
- If you have a folder named 'iperf' on your Windows desktop, you can reach it in command prompt with the command
- The
- Run iperf in client mode via Command Prompt (replace with the IP address of the server/interface where iPerf is running in server mode)
iperf3.exe -c -t 30 -P 4
macOS / Linux
- Open Terminal
- Run iPerf in client mode (replace with the IP address of the server/interface where iPerf is running in server mode)
iperf3 -c -t 30 -P 4
iPerf should start performing a network performance test. If the test fails to start, make sure that iPerf is not being blocked by your PC's/Mac's firewall.
Why iPerf is Ideal for Benchmarking
Unlike a file transfer, iPerf runs in memory on the PC and generates data to send using the CPU directly. This alleviates potential bottlenecks generated by storage devices, and allows you to explicitly control how many parallel connections are being used to transfer data rather than being unsure if parallel network connections are being used by other means.
There's a lot more to networking that isn't covered in this article, but we hope this helps explain enough to get an accurate measure of your network performance.
If you need assistance with your Plugable product that features network connectivity, please contact us for further assistance.
No Sound? How to Change Your Default Audio Device to Your Plugable Product
Whether you're on Windows, macOS, or Linux, it's common to add new audio devices to your computer.
Some examples of additional audio devices you may want to switch to include:
- Bluetooth headsets, headphones, and speakers
- Speakers built into a display, such as a TV or monitor
- A USB sound card, digital audio converter (DAC), or analog to digital converter (ADC)
- USB microphones
- Audio jacks on a docking station
These steps don't apply to the Plugable Performance NIX HDMI Capture Card (USBC-CAP60).
Here are the steps that you need to set a new default audio recording or output device on different operating systems.
Set Audio Output Device
Set Audio Recording Device
Set Default Playback Device in Windows
- Check that your device is properly connected, and that any necessary drivers are installed
- It is also a good idea to make sure that your sound device is turned on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Right-click on the speaker symbol in the Windows taskbar/system tray
Windows 7/8.x—Select Playback Devices. The Sound window will open with the Playback tab highlighted
Windows 10/11—Select Open Sound Settings then click the link under 'Related Settings' for Sound Control Panel, then click the Playback tab
- Alternatively, after selecting Open Sound Settings, use the dropdowns under the Output header
Windows 7/8.x—Select Playback Devices. The Sound window will open with the Playback tab highlighted
- Find your device in the window
- A Plugable USB 3.0 docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as Plugable Audio
- A Plugable USB 3.0 Silicon Motion docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as SMI USB Audio
- A Plugable USB 2.0 docking station will appear as USB Multimedia Audio Device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
- Right-click on the device you found in step 3 and select Set as Default Device. A check mark should appear next to your device, and sound should now play through it
- Click OK to exit the window
Additional Configuration for Bluetooth
Please see our pairing and configuration guide for Bluetooth devices.
Set Default Playback Device in macOS
- Open System Preferences
- Click Sound
- Select Output
- Select the most appropriate device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
Set Default Playback Device in Linux
- Ensure that you audio device is connected to the PC
- If the audio device is self-powered, it is a good idea to make sure that it is powered on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Launch the 'Settings' application in your distro
- Go to the 'Sound' option
- Find the dropdown for your 'Output Device', and change it to your preferred output device
- For additional sound device controls, you may want to consider using Pulseaudio Volume Controls (package name pavucontrol)
Set Default Recording Device in Windows
- Check that your device is properly connected, and that any necessary drivers are installed
- It is also a good idea to make sure that your sound device is turned on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Right-click on the speaker symbol in the Windows taskbar/system tray
Windows 7/8.x—Select Recording Devices. The Sound window will open with the Recording tab highlighted
Windows 10/11—Select Open Sound Settings then click the link under 'Related Settings' for Sound Control Panel, then click the Recording tab
- Alternatively, after selecting Open Sound Settings, use the dropdowns under the Input header
Windows 7/8.x—Select Recording Devices. The Sound window will open with the Recording tab highlighted
- Find your device in the window
- A Plugable USB 3.0 DisplayLink docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as Plugable Audio
- A Plugable USB 2.0 docking station will appear as USB Multimedia Audio Device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
- Right-click on the device you found in step 3 and select Set as Default Device. A check mark should appear next to your device, and sound should now play through it
- Click OK to exit the window
Additional Configuration for Bluetooth
Please see our pairing and configuration guide for Bluetooth devices.
Set Default Recording Device in macOS
- Open System Preferences
- Click Sound
- Select Input
- Select the most appropriate device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
Set Default Recording Device in Linux
- Ensure that you audio device is connected to the PC
- If the audio device is self-powered, it is a good idea to make sure that it is powered on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Launch the 'Settings' application in your distro
- Go to the 'Sound' option
- Find the dropdown for your 'Input Device', and change it to your preferred input device
- For additional sound device controls, you may want to consider using Pulseaudio Volume Controls (package name pavucontrol)
My Docking Station/Adapter Works Well With My Windows Laptop, but When I Close the Lid the Displays and Laptop Turn Off or Sleep. How Do I Fix This?
Most Windows notebook computers power management settings will default to putting the computer to sleep with the lid closed, regardless of any external displays, keyboard, or mouse connected to the computer. If this is happening but you would prefer the system to remain active with the lid closed utilizing the external display or displays, these settings can be changed by performing the following:
For Windows 10:
- Start by right-clicking on the Start button and select Power Options from the menu.
- From the right side of the Power Options settings page, select the blue link for Additional power settings
- From the choices present on the left-hand side of the Power Options window, please click on Choose what closing the lid does
- Make sure the setting for When I close the lid under the Plugged In column is set to Do Nothing
- Click the Save Changes button and restart the system (making sure that the laptop’s power adapter is also connected) and test the behavior again.
For Windows 11:
- Start by right-clicking on the Start button and select Power Options from the menu.
- In the upper left corner of the settings window, in the search box, type "lid" then select Change what closing the lid does from the search results
- Make sure the setting for When I close the lid under the Plugged In column is set to Do Nothing
- Click the Save Changes button to apply the new settings.
Closing the lid should no longer put the computer into sleep mode when an external display and power source is connected, instead one of the external displays should now become the Primary display with the desktop icons instead of the laptop's built-in display.
The lid may still need to be opened to perform the following tasks:
- To power on the computer from a fully powered off state
- To log into the computer if logged out or if the computer is restarted with the lid closed
- To wake the computer from a deep sleep state ( hibernation, or Windows hybrid sleep states )
Do Plugable products support the Apple SuperDrive?
Unfortunately Plugable products do not support the Apple SuperDrive.
The Apple SuperDrive has stringent power requirements that can only be met by directly connecting the SuperDrive to your host laptop. As a result at this time Apple recommends only using their USB-C adapter cables. You can find more information on that here → How to connect the Apple USB SuperDrive
If you have purchased a Plugable product to use with your Apple SuperDrive, and would like some additional assistance please do not hesitate to reach out. You can do so by emailing support@plugable.com, or going to Plugable.com/Support.
Plugable products with ASIX AX88179A based Ethernet may not perform as expected when running browser based speed tests in macOS 11.6 Big Sur.
Plugable products that have an ASIX AX88179A based Ethernet adapter may not perform as expected when using browser based speed tests, such as SpeedTest.net.
If you are running a browser based speed test such as SpeedTest.net using a Plugable ASIX AX88179A based Ethernet product such as our USBC-7IN1E Hub on macOS 11.6 Big Sur. Example pictured below.
At this time the best solution would be to upgrade to macOS 12 if possible, as this problem is fully resolved in macOS 12 Monterey. Example pictured below.
You can manually start the update process to macOS 12 Monterey by following this link. --> https://apps.apple.com/us/app/macos-monterey/id1576738294
The ASIX AX88179A is a driverless solution with macOS, and there are no drivers or firmware solutions for this problem at this time.
My Plugable product with wired Ethernet is no longer working on macOS. What can I do?
Please Note
The below guide is an advanced troubleshooting step, and we do not recommend doing so unless you are comfortable manually altering files on your Apple product running macOS. You may not be able to perform the below troubleshooting step if you are unable to execute administrative credentials on your laptop. Please reach out to our support first if you do not wish to attempt the below instructions. You can do so at Plugable.com/Support
How to delete a specific Ethernet adapter from your Network devices on macOS
- Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your primary monitor, and select ‘System Preferences’
- Next select ‘Network’ in the ‘System Preferences' window.
- In the now visible list, please select the Plugable Ethernet, or Thunderbolt Ethernet device that may not be working as expected.
- Once selected click on the minus button in the bottom left of the network window.
- Click on Apply in the bottom right.
- Next click on the plus button in the bottom left of the network window, and add the previously removed device.
- Click on Apply in the bottom right.
- Test to see if this has resolved the unexpected behavior, and assure that your Ethernet is now working.
- If this does not resolve the problem, please proceed to the next section (As noted previously the next section is for advanced users only!)
Manually erase your macOS Network Settings to fully reset the Network configuration
(Advanced! Click to reveal)
This will fully erase all of your Network configuration! Do not skip any steps, and proceed only if you are comfortable with each step!
- Open the ‘Finder’ app, then in the ‘Go’ menu at the top of your screen select ‘Computer’
- Click on ‘Macintosh HD’ then Library, Preferences, SystemConfiguration
- Copy the file named ‘NetworkInterfaces.plist’ to your desktop as a backup of your current configuration.
- Delete the original version of the ‘NetworkInterfaces.plist’ located in the SystemConfiguration directory.
- Restart your Mac
- Login to your Mac, and return to System Preferences → Network
- If the list is now empty, please re-add the Plugable or Thunderbolt network adapter by clicking on the plus button in the bottom left of the Network window. Once done click on 'Apply'.
- Test to see if this has resolved the unexpected network behavior
I am still unable to get my Ethernet connection working on my Mac
If this is the case please reach out to our support team. When you do please include a diagnostic log gathered using our PlugDebug tool (instructions are provided on the PlugDebug page). If you are not able to gather the PlugDebug diagnostics do not worry we are still here to help! Please reach out to our support team at support@plugable.com or Plugable.com/Support with a detailed description of your problem, and the model of Plugable product you are using.
MST Explained
What is MST?
MST stands for Multi-Stream Transport and is based on DisplayPort Technology, allowing multiple uncompressed video streams to be delivered over a single DisplayPort connection (a process known as multiplexing). MST can be used over several different video port mediums, such as DisplayPort, Mini DisplayPort, Thunderbolt 3 or 4, and USB-C ports that support DisplayPort (Alt-Mode).
Two types of connections can be made when using MST. A “daisy-chain” connection where you can link multiple monitors together or an “MST Hub” configuration that can split one DisplayPort cable into multiple video outputs.
For MST to work in a daisy-chain or MST Hub configuration, monitors must support either DisplayPort 1.2 connection (or higher) or Thunderbolt, provide a video “out” port on the monitor, and have MST mode enabled in order for the monitors to work together. Note that HDMI is not supported.
Daisy-chain example
In many cases, a monitor will not have a video “out” option; this is where an MST Hub will become necessary to break out the video signal to each monitor individually.
Plugable's USBC-11IN1E shown in this MST Hub example
Will I need additional software to use MST?
MST does not require any additional software and will connect directly to the host GPU in order to bring high-resolution, uncompressed video that is beneficial in a variety of applications such as graphics design and video editing. Resolutions will vary depending on the specifications of the GPU. DisplayPort 1.4 GPUs will support higher resolutions and refresh rates than DisplayPort 1.2, for example.
It is recommended to use the most up-to-date GPU drivers from your laptop or GPU manufacturer.
Which operating systems support MST?
MST is supported by Windows 11, 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, and Chrome OS.
MST is currently not supported by macOS or Mac OS X.
Compatible Plugable MST devices
Now that we have a better idea of MST, Plugable is excited to introduce several MST compatible hubs and docking stations that can help boost productivity and provide external monitor support, including the ability to provide other capabilities such as USB, Ethernet, and even Audio. Some supported products are,
Some of our Thunderbolt supported products include,
Can I leave my notebook computer connected to a charging dock overnight, or should I discharge and recharge the notebook battery regularly?
We are often asked if it is okay to leave a notebook computer connected to one of our USB-C docking stations with Power Delivery for extended periods of time. The short answer is yes, it is no different from leaving the laptop connected to the manufacturer's original USB-C power supply for the same time. The long answer is yes for modern laptops, and maybe for older (1990s-early 2000s laptops) and involves going into the different battery technologies used in consumer electronics devices.
Another common question is if it is possible to use the docking station but to disable powering and charging the computer. When a modern notebook computer runs on battery power it will often set the system to a reduced power state which may impact performance, or connected devices and we recommend always powering the computer when using a desktop docking station. For all of our docking stations that provide power to the host computer this will not affect the lifespan of the computer's battery.
Modern Laptop Batteries: Lithium-Ion
Lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries are found in a wide range of consumer electronics from notebook computers and cell phones, to electric cars, power tools, and wearable electronics like wireless earbuds. Li-ion offers fast charging, high-current discharging, fairly long service live compared to other rechargeable battery technologies and are relatively inexpensive.
The life-span of a rechargeable battery depends on many factors including age, temperature history, charging patterns, the chemical composition of the specific battery, and usage. For example batteries stored at 100% charge will degrade faster than batteries stored at 50% charge, this is why most consumer electronics devices arrive from the manufacturer with between 25% to 75% charge.
Lithium-ion batteries are consumable components, however in most modern computers, cell phones, and tablets these are not user serviceable components. To help maintain the battery all modern computers and most consumer electronics will include battery charge and protection circuits. These can be fairly simple, charging up the battery at preset rates depending on the charge level to help maintain the battery life, or complex software controlled charging that monitors battery temperature, voltage and current draw to maintain the fastest charging while maintaining the battery longevity.
Modern notebook computers can be left connected to the original power cable or a docking station with charging capability for extended periods, and do not benefit from regular discharge/recharge cycles. Our docking stations with charging capability rely on USB Type-C Power Delivery to power and charge compatible computers. USB Type-C Power Delivery is a negotiated charging protocol between the host computer and the docking station or USB Type-C power supply, this allows the computer to draw only the power it requires, and even select the best voltage level for powering the computer. In combination with a computer's built-in battery charging controller the computer is capable of maintaining the battery's optimal state even when left connected to a power source for an extended period of time.
Legacy Laptop Batteries: NiCad and NiMH
Older laptops, from the 1990s and some early 2000s, as well as some consumer electronics, and most rechargeable AA or AAA battery replacements use Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad) or Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. These batteries are slower to charge and discharge than li-ion batteries, and require very simple charge controllers, and in some cases can even be trickle-charged ( very low-current continuous charging ) if desired.
These batteries generally don't have smart charging controllers and to prolong the life of the battery required "training" or fully discharging and recharging the battery every so often. Many laptop manufacturers recommended fully charging and discharging a new laptop 2-3 times to train the battery, this is not necessary with modern laptops.
Modern notebook batteries are managed by the computer's built-in battery charging circuit, and require little to no user intervention to maintain optimal battery health. It does not harm the battery to leave the computer connected to an external power supply, so long as the computer is being used regularly. If the computer is to be stored for a prolonged period then discharging the battery to between 50-75% can help to maintain the battery life.
Batteries are consumable components and degrade over time, however modern notebook computers can extend the battery life generally to meet or exceed the life of the computer's other electronic components.
Understanding Heat Generation in Electronics
It's not uncommon for users to notice a certain level of heat generation from electronics and by extension, Plugable products during operation. In this knowledge base article, we'll explore the reasons behind this heat generation and why it is considered a normal experience within reasonable limits.
Electronics, by their nature, generate heat during operation. This is primarily a result of the electrical current flowing through various components, such as integrated circuits, transistors, and other electronic elements. As Plugable products are designed to efficiently process and transfer data (among other functionality), some level of heat generation is inherent.
Factors Influencing Heat Generation:
- Power Consumption: The power consumption of a device directly influences the amount of heat it generates. Higher power usage, especially during data transfer or charging processes, can lead to increased heat.
- Enclosure Design: The design of the product's enclosure and its ability to dissipate heat play a crucial role. Adequate ventilation and heat sinks are often incorporated to manage and disperse generated heat effectively. This is evident in our TBT3-UDZ and TBT4-UDZ designs. The metal case in these docks are designed to function as a heatsink with thermal pads placed throughout the enclosure. This allows heat dissipation from inside to the outside, but will also make it feel as if the device is “too hot”.
- Ambient Temperature: The external environment may also play a role. Higher ambient temperatures can contribute to increased perceived heat from the product. This means that summer temperatures may increase the heat generation of not just Plugable products, but many other electronic devices.
Normal Heat Levels: While it is normal for electronic devices to generate heat, Plugable products are engineered to operate within safe temperature ranges. We conduct rigorous testing to ensure that the heat generated during normal operation falls within industry-standard safety parameters. While not all products are or need to be UL certified, we try to go by UL guidelines for thermal readings. The UL threshold is 77C/170.6F, and we aim for around 71C/160F.
Tips for Users:
- Ventilation: Ensure that Plugable products have sufficient ventilation around them. Avoid placing them in enclosed spaces where heat dissipation may be impeded.
- Usage Patterns: Intensive tasks such as high-speed data transfer or charging multiple devices simultaneously may result in increased heat generation. This is generally normal but may be more noticeable in such scenarios.
- Accessories: A number of our devices will allow for the connection of USB accessories and as such, these will require power. If too many “power-hungry” devices are connected, this will cause the device to run much hotter than expected. Be sure to keep in mind the power limits of your dock/device.
In conclusion, experiencing heat from Plugable products is a normal aspect of their operation. Users can rest assured that we prioritize the safety and efficiency of our devices. By understanding the factors influencing heat generation and following simple usage guidelines, users can make the most of their Plugable products while ensuring a reliable and efficient user experience.
How To - Set a Network to Private or Public in Windows 10 & 11
The Windows Firewall may block some networking features when the local network is not set to Private. This article will describe the process for setting the local network, either wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi to be a Private network.
Windows 11
1 - Connect the computer to the network, either wired or wireless
2 - Open the Windows Settings - right-click on the Start Menu and select “Settings” from the pop-up menu
3 - On the left column select “Network & internet”
For Wired Networks
4 - Select the “Ethernet” option
5 - The connected network should be expanded, if not click on “Network Connected" to expand the section
6 - Select the “Network profile type” either “Public network” or “Private network” to suite your needs
For Wi-Fi Networks
4 - Select the “Wi-Fi” option
5 - Select your Wi-Fi network name “properties”
6 - Select the “Network profile type” either “Public network” or “Private network” to suite your needs
Windows 10
1 - Connect the computer to the network, either wired or wireless
2 - Open the Windows Settings - right-click on the Start Menu and select “Settings” from the pop-up menu
3 - Select “Network & Internet” fro the bottom section
4 - Select the “Ethernet” option from the left pane
5 - Select the “Connected” network from the right pane
6 - Select the “Network profile type” either “Public network” or “Private network” to suite your needs
Windows PowerShell
If the option does not show up in the Windows Settings GUI, or if you prefer to use the terminal.
1 - Open a new terminal: Right-click on the Start Menu and select “Terminal”
2 - Run the following command to list the available networks
PS C:\Users\plugable> Get-NetConnectionProfile Name : Network InterfaceAlias : Ethernet Instance 0 InterfaceIndex : 7 NetworkCategory : Private DomainAuthenticationKind : None IPv4Connectivity : Internet IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic
3 - Run the following command to set the network to Private
Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name Network -NetworkCategory Private
Where “Network” is the network name from step #2 and “Private” can be either “Public" or “Private”
Understanding USB-C Alt Mode
What is Alt Mode, and how does it work?
USB-C is a truly versatile connection that supports a range of functions, including power delivery, data transfer, and video. Alt Mode leverages this versatility by repurposing high-speed data pins to enable alternative video data protocols. Many of our docking stations support this protocol, but there is a catch! To take advantage of this feature, your host system must support Alt Mode via the host USB-C port and controller. If the host system and device support Alt Mode, the USB-C ports automatically switch from its default data protocol to the required Alt Mode protocol for video.
How do I determine if my system supports Alt Mode?
Reviewing your manufacturer's system specifications or user manual is the easiest way to determine if your system supports Alt Mode via the USB-C port, but unfortunately, it’s not always consistent or straightforward. Below, we have included examples of how some system manufacturers mention the capabilities of the USB-C ports on their laptops. This information will usually be included in the user manuals or system specification sheets.
Please note that mention of DisplayPort or DP 1.2, 1,4, and 2.1 indicates Alt Mode support.
USB-C Host | Alt Mode Support |
USB-C 3.1 Gen 2 / Thunderbolt 3 (support data transfer, Power Delivery and DisplayPort1.2) | Yes |
USB-C (USB 20Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 2x2), with USB PD 3.0 and DisplayPort 1.4 | Yes |
USB-C(USB 5Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 & DP 1.2 | Yes |
USB-C (USB 20Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 & DP 1.4 | Yes |
USB-C(support Power Delivery 3.0 only) | No |
USB-C 3.2 Gen 1 (data transfer only) | No |
USB-C Host | Alt Mode Support |
USB Type-C 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge) | Yes |
USB Type-C 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.2 | Yes |
Thunderbolt 4 with USB Type-C 40Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 2.1, HP Sleep and Charge) | Yes |
USB-C Host | Alt Mode Support |
Thunderbolt 4 port with Power Delivery (Type-C) Supports USB4, DisplayPort 1.4 | Yes |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C (full function) Note: “full function” does not always mean video support. Confirm with Dell or reference the user manual | Yes |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C port with DisplayPort Alt Mode 1.4/Power Delivery | Yes |
USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C (data only) | No |
Additionally, some manufacturers, but not all, will also include a DP symbol next to the port to illustrate its ability to support video. If your USB-C port is unmarked, check your user manual or consult the system specifications.
What about Thunderbolt 4 and USB4?
Unlike earlier iterations of USB-C, which use Alt Mode for video support, USB4 and Thunderbolt 4 primarily use video tunnelling to transmit video over the USB-C connection. Video tunnelling dynamically allocates bandwidth for video and data to ensure optimized performance. If a device does not fully support video tunnelling, your Thunderbolt 4 or USB4-capable system can fall back to Alt Mode, ensuring compatibility with devices that support Alt Mode for video. So you don’t have to worry about a Thunderbolt or USB4 connection supporting USB-C Alt Mode!
Troubleshooting For Alt Mode
When using a USB-C video cable, adapter, docking station, or hub, it's important to ensure that your laptop supports Alt Mode. If you encounter any issues, the following steps can help you troubleshoot and determine why video may not be working through your USB-C Alt Mode cable or device.
First and foremost, check to ensure that your system supports Alt Mode. This is vital as Alt Mode is an optional feature that not all manufacturers include on their systems.
- If your system does not support Alt Mode, unfortunately, this is a hardware limitation, and there is no workaround for achieving Alt Mode compatibility. However, it’s possible to still drive external monitors through DisplayLink.
- Reboot your system and perform a power reset on your docking station or hub (if applicable)
If you are using a docking station, ensure that you are using a USB-C cable that supports Alt Mode.
- Not all cables are created equal—USB-C cables that support USB 2.0 only or “charging only” cables are not built to support video. To ensure compatibility, all of our Alt Mode-capable products will come with a USB-C cable that supports this feature.
- Do not use USB-C to USB-A adapters, as they are not designed to support video transmission.
- Be sure to check your operating system's display settings. The connected display can sometimes be disabled within the display settings, or the resolution and refresh may need to be adjusted to match what your device or display can support.
- Check if your Alt Mode-capable device has any firmware updates listed specifically for Alt Mode.
- Ensure that your system is up to date with all its latest drivers, firmware, and BIOS, especially your USB and internal graphics controller. Outdated drivers can often lead to connectivity issues, and at times, a BIOS update is needed, which the system manufacturer will generally mention on their official support page.
- Check BIOS and UEFI settings; some manufacturers add settings that control USB-C functionality. Ensure that your settings are enabled and correctly configured for Alt Mode.
- Test out another USB-C port on your system if you have more than one. This is beneficial in determining if the issues are related to the specific port.
Benefits of USB-C Alt Mode
Alt Mode over USB-C provides a direct connection to the GPU, allowing you to take advantage of the capabilities of your built-in GPU. This ensures native-level performance without the need for extra software or drivers. As a result, your USB-C Alt Mode-connected display will have reduced latency compared to other methods of adding additional displays, making it perfect for users who require sharp and detailed visuals at optimal refresh rates. Unlike traditional video connectors like HDMI or DisplayPort, which only support video, a USB-C connection with Alt Mode is more flexible and multifunctional, allowing a single connection to carry video, data, and power delivery.
Alt Mode supported devices from Plugable
If your system supports Alt Mode or if you are looking to get more out of your laptop, especially Apple M1, M2, or M3 base chipsets (which are limited to one external display), we have compiled some options below that utilize Alt Mode or a combination of Alt Mode and DisplayLink for even more monitor expandability.
Plugable USB-C Docking Station with HDMI, 60W Laptop Charging
The UD-CA1A is a versatile docking station that enables you to connect a 4K HDMI display via Alt Mode. In addition, it comes equipped with high-speed Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0 ports, 3.5mm jacks for headphones and microphone, and will provide 60W of power delivery to your host device—all via a single USB-C port. It is compatible with macOS, Windows, ChromeOS, Linux, iOS, and iPadOS, making it the ideal solution for any setup. You can enjoy seamless plug-and-play functionality and save space with its sleek vertical design or lay it flat for a more subtle look.
Plugable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub with Ethernet
The USBC-7IN1E instantly transforms a single USB-C with Alt Mode or Thunderbolt port into a versatile hub featuring 2x USB 3.0 ports, a 4K HDMI output, Gigabit Ethernet, and SD and microSD card readers. For hosts that support Power Delivery over USB-C, this hub also supports 100W PD passthrough, allowing you to plug in your included USB-C power adapter to further simplify your setup for greater portable productivity.
The products mentioned above demonstrate the versatility of a single USB-C connection. Plugable offers a wide range of solutions to meet your needs. Whether you are looking for a full-featured docking station that utilizes DisplayLink and USB-C Alt mode, such as our UD-ULTC4K, or a USB-C cable that supports video, data, and charging, like our USBC-240W-1M, you can rest assured that we have you covered. If you have any questions or need help building a solution that takes full advantage of your laptop's USB-C connection, please reach out to us at support@plugable.com.
How to Use Two External Displays with the Lid Closed on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro M3
With the release of Apple’s M3 CPU chips and the Sonoma 14.6 update your base MacBook Air and MacBook Pro systems with M3 chips can now host two external displays natively in clamshell mode. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using two external displays with the lid closed on your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro equipped with an Apple M3 chip.
Before getting started, ensure you have the following:
- MacBook Air or MacBook Pro with an Apple M3 chip.
- macOS Sonoma 14.3 or later for an M3 MacBook Air or macOS Sonoma 14.6 or later for an M3 MacBook Pro.
- Two external displays with compatible video inputs (e.g., HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C).
- A dock or graphics adapter can be used as well.
- External keyboard and mouse (wired or wireless).
- Power adapter or power source for your MacBook
- A docking station that provides adequate charge can be used in place of the native power adapter, be sure to check the wattage your dock provides.
Steps to Set Up Dual External Displays with the Lid Closed
1. Set Up Your External Keyboard and Mouse
- If you’re using a wired keyboard and mouse, connect them directly to your MacBook or Plugable dock.
- For wireless peripherals, ensure they are paired with your MacBook and functioning properly.
- An AC adapter/power cable of some kind will also need to be connected for clamshell mode to function properly. This adapter can be one from a docking station or the included Apple adapter.
2. Connect Your Displays
- Connect the first external display to your MacBook using the appropriate cable (e.g., HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C)
- Close your laptop’s lid.
- Connect the second external display using a similar method.
- Ensure both displays are powered on and set to the correct input source.
3. Configure Display Settings
- Open System Settings on your MacBook.
- Go to Displays.
- You should see both external displays listed. Arrange them according to your preference by dragging the display icons.
- Adjust the resolution, refresh rate, and other settings as needed.
4. Enable "Clamshell Mode" (Lid Closed Mode)
- With your external displays connected and set up, close the lid of your MacBook.
- Your MacBook will automatically switch to "Clamshell Mode," where the internal display turns off, and the external displays become your primary screens.
- Ensure your MacBook is connected to a power source to prevent it from entering sleep mode.
5. Check the Display Arrangement
- With the lid closed, check that the external displays are functioning as expected.
- If necessary, re-open the Displays settings to adjust the arrangement, resolution, or other preferences.
Troubleshooting Tips
- No Display on External Monitors: If the external displays are not showing anything, open the lid of your MacBook and check the connections.
- MacBook Sleeps When Lid Is Closed: Make sure your MacBook is connected to a power adapter. Clamshell Mode requires the MacBook to be plugged into an external power source.
- Performance Issues: If you experience lag or performance drops, try lowering the resolution or refresh rate of the external displays.
Thunderbolt Dock Users
With these steps, one can use Plugable Thunderbolt docks to enjoy a dual-display setup without the need for additional software installation. The dock leverages the native capabilities of the MacBook Air M3 and MacBook Pro M3, providing a straightforward and efficient solution for expanding your workspace with additional USB ports, audio, and ethernet (as well as the dual displays).
Additional Resources
If you should need any assistance with your setup, please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@plugable.com.