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Plugable USB-C HDMI グラフィック変換アダプター モニター 4 台接続可能 Windows および Mac 対応 1920x1080@60Hz 解像度のモニタを複数同時に表示
$119.00 USD
SKU: USBC-768H4Amazon Rating : (220 Reviews)
- 4 台のモニタを接続 - この USB-C アダプタを使用すると、1 つの USB ポートに 4 台までの 1920x1080@60Hz 解像度のモニタを接続できます。USB Type-C または USB 3.0 ポートのどちらでも接続でき、同じように機能します。
- USB-HDMI グラフィック変換 - マルチタスクに最適な 4 台の外部モニタ環境を簡単に実現できます。USB-C と USB Type-A(USB 3.0)の変換アダプタが付属しています。USB4、Thunderbolt 3、Thunderbolt 3、USB-C、USB 3.0 のいずれのポートにも接続できます。
- 4 台までの外部モニタ接続 - 外部接続可能なモニタが 1 台に制限されている M1、M2、M3 MacBook システムであっても、4 台までのモニタが接続できます。Windows システムでも同様に使用可能です。このグラフィック変換アダプタ用のデバイス・ドライバの導入が必要です。
- 互換性 - Windows 10、11、macOS 11 以上で使用できます。Google ドキュメントや MS Office、ウェブ、メールなどの、ビジネス用アプリケーションでの使用をお勧めします。ゲームや動画編集、グラフィックデザインなどの高負荷なアプリケーションでは使用できません。HDCP 保護には非対応のため、Netflex や Hulu などのコンテンツ保護された映像は再生できません。
- 2 年の品質保証 - Plugable は 2 年間の品質保証およびメールでのサポートをご提供いたします。正規販売元よりご購入ください。製品について質問がございましたら、Plugable Japan サポートまでお気軽にご連絡ください。
[米国内のみ] 当サイトから注文の場合送料無料
自分の使用しているノート PC に複数の外部モニタを接続することは、もう難しいことではありません。
1 台の外部モニタならすでに経験した方も多いでしょうが、2 台目以降のモニタはどのように接続すればよいのでしょうか。これも実は技術的には充分可能ですが、その方法はノート PC の技術仕様(PC 標準で何台までの外部モニタ接続できるか)や、合計何台のモニタを接続したいのかによって変わってきます。
たとえば M1 / M2 / M3 チップを搭載した MacBook ファミリーは、外部モニタを 1 台までしかサポートしません。 もしこのシステムに 4 台モニタを接続したかったらどうすればいいのでしょうか。4 台のモニタに対応できる高価なドッキングステーションを使ったり、MacBook システムにあるポートのすべてを塞いでしまうドングルタイプの変換アダプタを複数使用する、などの方法があります。
この「Plugable USB-C HDMI グラフィック変換アダプター モニター 4 台接続可能 (USBC-768H4)」を使用すると、1 つの USB ポート(USB Type-C または USB 3.0 のどちらでも可)に、「FHD 1920x1080@60Hz の HDMI モニタ」を 4 台まで接続できます。つまり、たとえ M1 / M2 / M3 MacBook ファミリーのように標準では外部モニタを 1 台までしかサポートしていないシステムでも、4 台までの外部モニタを簡単に接続することができます。
この製品は、複数のモニタを接続できる USB グラフィック変換アダプタとしては小型ですが、4 台の HDMI モニタ 用の画面ピクセルを生成し、グラフィック信号として送信し分配するのに必要な機能を備えています。
複数モニタを使用したいという要件がある場合、多くの USBC-HDMI 変換アダプタでは「DisplayPort 代替モード」という機能に依存します。しかしこの機能はすべてのシステムで利用できるわけではありません。 一方この「Plugable USBC-738H4 アダプタ」は、Silicon Motion 社製 チップセットと専用デバイス・ドライバにより、4 台モニタ接続を実装しています。使用する側にとっては大きな違いはありません。違いが実感できるのは、標準では 1 台しかモニタを接続できないノート PC に、2 ~4 台のモニタを接続したい場合です。
ただし、このような「USB グラフィック変換アダプター」を使うにはそれ専用のデバイス・ドライバーの導入が必要な点に注意してください。Windows システムでは通常 Windows Update により自動導入されますが、macOS システムでは手動で「InstantView」というアプリケーションの導入が必要です。また、この製品は DisplayLink 用のデバイス・ドライバは使用しません。
ノート PC に外部モニタを接続すると、別のウィンドウにスプレッドシートやメール等のアプリケーションを分けて表示でき、生産性レベルが向上します。
様々な作業を同時に行うマルチタスクにおいて、この「USBC-768H4 HDMI グラフィック変換アダプタ」が役に立ちます。
1 ~ 4 台までの外部モニタを、自分の必要に応じた台数追加できます。
ただし、この HDMI 変換アダプターは、電源アダプタがついていませんし、長いケーブルも付属していません。未使用時はこの短いケーブルが、アダプター筐体の後ろに収まる形になっています。これによりアダプタの持ち運びが簡単になっています。
モニタを接続する場合は、ケーブル先のコネクタをノート PC の USB Type-C または USB 3.0 ポートに接続します。アダプタの駆動用電源は、ノート PC の USB ポートから供給されます。
このグラフィック変換アダプタは、様々なタイプのノート PC で使用できます。
USB Type-C があるバイアはもちろん、筐体の後ろに付属のポート変換アダプタを使えば、USB 3.0 ポートにも接続できます。
Windows 10 以降、macOS 11 以降の OS で使用できます。M1 / M2 / M3 チップを搭載した、(本来は外部モニタを 1 台しか接続できない) MacBook システムでも、拡張モードでのモニタ接続が可能です。
ChromeOS では使用できません。
パッケージ内容と数量 | 注記 |
1x USBC-768H4 グラフィックス変換アダプタ | |
1x USBA - USBC 変換アダプタ | |
1x クイックスタートガイド |
ポート | 場所 | 仕様 | 最大解像度とリフレッシュレート | HDCP | チップセット |
4x HDMI (出力) |
側面 | HDMI 1.2 | 1920x1080 @ 50Hz 1920x1080 @ 60Hz1920x1080 @ 30Hz 1920x1080 @ 25Hz 1920x1080 @ 24Hz 1280x720 @ 60Hz 1280x720 @ 50Hz 720x480 @ 60Hz 720x576 @ 50Hz |
非対応 | SM768 Silicon Motion |
ポート | 場所 | 接続方法 | 最大ビット深度とサンプルレート | 信号出力 | チャネル | チップセット |
HDMI (出力) |
側面 | Silicon Motion チップによる HDMI 接続 | PC により異なる | デジタル | PC により異なる | SM768 Silicon Motion |
ポート | 場所 | バージョンとリンクレート | 機能 |
1x USB Type-A または USB-C | ケーブル・コネクタ | USB 3.0(5 Gbps) |
項目 | サイズ(高さ×幅×奥行き)または長さ | 重量 | 製品番号 |
USBC-768H4 グラフィックス変換アダプタ | 2.1 x 12 x 8 cm |
156 g |
USBC-768H4 |
互換性 | USB 3.0 または、USB-C、USB4、Thunderbolt 3 /Thunderbolt 4 ポート搭載の、Windows 10 / 11 以上、ChromeOS 100 以上、macOS 11 以上のコンピュータ・システムで使用できます。 それぞれ、下記のようなシステムが対応しています。 |
macOS システム | USB-C ポート搭載の、M1/M2/M3、Pro / Max チップ搭載モデル、 または Intel チップ搭載モデル |
Windows システム | HP ProBook / EliteBook / Spectre x360シリーズ、Dell XPS / Latitude / Inspiron シリーズ、Lenovo ThinkPad / IdeaPad / Yoga、Microsoft Surface Pro / Go / Book / Laptop モデル、LG Gram など |
ChromeOS システム | Google Pixelbook、Samsung Galaxy Chromebook、 Lenovo Flex Chromebooks、 HP Chromebook、Dell Chromebook など |
本製品のような Silicon Motion 技術を使用した USB グラフィックス変換アダプター は、コンピュータによる制限を超えて外部モニターを追加し利用できるように設計されています。Silicon Motion 用ソフトウェア(デバイス・ドライバ)は、グラフィックス・ハードウェアをエミュレートすることでこれを実現しています。MS Office などのビジネス系アプリケーション、軽いウェブ・ブラウジングなどには最適ですが、2D または 3D グラフィックスやフルスクリーンのビデオ再生、ビデオ編集ソフトウェア、ゲームなどの、画面表示負荷が極めて高い用途では、このグラフィックス・アダプターの使用はお勧めできません。
性能やソフトウェアの互換性の問題を防ぐため、ホストコンピューターの OS、システムファームウェア、デバイス・ドライバーを最新状態にすることをお勧めします。これにより、予期せぬ切断やパフォーマンス低下の可能性を低減することができます。システム・ファームウェアのアップデートは、PC メーカーの Web サイト、またはデバイス製造メーカーから直接入手できます(例:グラフィックス・デバイスドライバのアップデートは、GPU の製造元から入手、など)。 Intel グラフィックス・ドライバーは、コンピューターメーカーまたは Intel 社のウェブサイトからダウンロードできます。
- Windows 11 および 10、Home または Pro
- Windows Update をすべて適用し最新状態にしてください。
- Silicon Motion ドライバのインストールには管理者権限が必要です。
- macOS 14 (Sonoma), 13 (Ventura), 12 (Monterey), 11 (Big Sur)
- Apple 社提供の最新 OS アップデートの導入を推奨
- Silicon Motion InstantView アプリケーションのインストールには管理者権限が必要です。
- MacOS ユーザーは、Silicon Motion と macOS との互換性に関する注意事項について、ここをクリックしてください。
- コンピュータゲーム: ほとんどの 2D および 3D ゲームは、Silicon Motion グラフィックス・ソフトウェアで非対応のハードウェア・グラフィックスアクセラレーションを必要としています。したがってこのアダプタを使用して接続した外部モニタではゲームが正しく起動しない場合があります。
- 2D、3D グラフィックスアプリケーション:これらのアプリケーションは、Silicon Motion グラフィックス・ソフトウェアが非対応のハードウェア・グラフィックス・アクセラレーションに依存していることが多く、このアダプターを使用して接続した外部モニタではこれらのアプリケーションのパフォーマンス、機能、互換性が低下する可能性があります。
- ナイトシフト、ナイトライト、その他のブルーライト削減アプリケーションは、Silicon Motion グラフィック製品と互換性がありません。したがって当アダプターを使用して接続した外部モニタでは使用できません。
- HDCP(High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)は、Silicon Motion グラフィック製品と互換性がありません。したがって当アダプターを使用して接続した外部モニタでは使用できません。
- Silicon Motion グラフィック技術では、画面の回転は Apple シリコンチップ搭載のモデル(M1 および M2 システム)上で macOS 12 以降を実行している場合のみサポートされています。画面回転は、Intel チップ搭載のモデルではされていません。
- Silicon Motion グラフィックアダプタ経由で接続されたモニタでは、Night Shift はサポートされません。
- Silicon Motion グラフィックアダプタ経由で接続されたモニタは、ディスプレイカラーキャリブレーションに対応していません。
- HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)には対応していません。このグラフィックスアダプターがコンピュータに接続されている間は、HDCP コンテンツはどのディスプレイ(内蔵ディスプレイ、コンピュータに直接接続された外部モニタを含む)でも再生されません。
Windows 11、Windows 10
- Silicon Motion グラフィックアダプタ経由で接続されたモニタでは、Night light はサポートされません。
- Silicon Motion グラフィックアダプタ経由で接続されたモニタは、ディスプレイカラーキャリブレーションに対応していません。
- Silicon Motion ベースのグラフィックスアダプター を Linux システムで使用することはできません。
Windows - 導入と構成
- Silicon Motion デバイス・ドライバをこちらのページからダウンロードし、システムにインストールします。
- 当グラフィックス変換アダプターを、ビデオケーブルを使ってモニターに接続します。
- システムの USB 3.0 または USB-C ポートに、当アダプターを接続します。
macOS - 導入と構成
- ナレッジベースにあるこの説明に従って、Silicon Motion 社製「macOS InstantView」 ソフトウェアをインストールし、設定します。
- 当グラフィックス変換アダプターを、ビデオケーブルを使ってモニターに接続します。
- システムの USB 3.0 または USB-C ポートに、当アダプターを接続します。
Silicon Motion ドライバーとソフトウェア:要導入
Windows 10 および Windows 11 システムでは、下記のリンクからこのグラフィックアダプタまたはドッキングステーションに必要な Silicon Motion ドライバをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。
macOS システムの場合は、ご使用の macOS のバージョンの横にある青い「情報」ボタンをクリックして、詳しい説明を参照してください。
製品に同梱されている PDF のスタートアップガイドはこちらからダウンロードできます。
プラットフォーム | 重要な注意事項 | 日付 | バージョン、ダウンロード |
Windows 11、10 | ドライバは通常、Windows Update を通して自動的にインストールされます。(手動で導入することもできます。) |
2024年8月14日 | Silicon Motion ドライバ v2.21 R01 |
macOS 14、13、12 | Silicon Motion InstantView インストール手順の詳細はこちらの情報を参照してください。 Silicon Motion デバイスドライバの詳細についてはこちらのナレッジベース記事を参照してください。 |
2024年8月14日 | Silicon Motion InstantView v3.21 R01 |
macOS 11、10.15 | Silicon Motion InstantView インストール手順の詳細はこちらの情報を参照してください。 Silicon Motion デバイスドライバの詳細についてはこちらのナレッジベース記事を参照してください。 |
2024年 2月27日 | 既存 Silicon Motion InstantView V3.19 R02 |
macOS 10.14 | このバージョンは、Plugable 社製品ではサポートされていません。 |
2021年6月3日 | カーネル拡張版 |
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Can I Connect a DisplayPort (DP) Monitor to the HDMI Port on This Device Using an Adapter or Cable?
No. Most DisplayPort to HDMI cables and adapters are one-way adapters from a DisplayPort Source (computer or docking station) to a HDMI Sink (television, computer monitor, or projector). These cables do not work in reverse.
DisplayPort uses packet-based data transmission, breaking the video stream into individual packets of data allows for longer cable runs, use in both copper and fiber-optic cables, and allows for higher bandwidth than other video formats. It is relatively easy to convert from DisplayPort to HDMI (computers with HDMI output ports already do this internally) and dual-mode DisplayPort outputs have built-in adapters to output a HDMI signal for use with passive DisplayPort to HDMI adapters.
HDMI uses a video signal, similar to DVI, this requires more power to operate at the same cable lengths as DisplayPort and requires significantly more processing power to create DisplayPort packet-based data.
Externally powered HDMI to DisplayPort adapters do exist, these generally have a USB or small barrel plug for power, and can convert from a HDMI Source to DisplayPort Sink. In most cases they have reduced resolution or refresh rates compared to modern signal sources and can introduce delay in the data connection between the display and computer potentially causing reduced connectivity or display performance problems.
We do not currently recommend using HDMI to DisplayPort adapter with our docking stations. In our testing they have been unreliable compared to a native DisplayPort connection. Many of our newer docking stations include both HDMI and DisplayPort outputs to reduce the need for additional adapters or adapter cables.
How to Configure/Adjust Multiple Monitors Using a Windows System
We have a produced a series of short videos that introduce the general concepts of multi-monitor setups in Windows, how to make changes to the way things behave, as well as how to solve common problems.
Direct links to the introductory videos our customers have found the most useful are:
- Introduction to Multiple Displays in Windows
- Common Multi-Monitor Problem—Spatial Orientation
- How To Make a Display the ‘Main’ Display in Windows
- Multi-Monitor Problem—Spatial Orientation Part Two
- Introduction to Display Scaling in Windows
We also maintain a playlist that contains all of the multiple monitor tutorial videos we have made .
No Sound? How to Change Your Default Audio Device to Your Plugable Product
Whether you're on Windows, macOS, or Linux, it's common to add new audio devices to your computer.
Some examples of additional audio devices you may want to switch to include:
- Bluetooth headsets, headphones, and speakers
- Speakers built into a display, such as a TV or monitor
- A USB sound card, digital audio converter (DAC), or analog to digital converter (ADC)
- USB microphones
- Audio jacks on a docking station
These steps don't apply to the Plugable Performance NIX HDMI Capture Card (USBC-CAP60).
Here are the steps that you need to set a new default audio recording or output device on different operating systems.
Set Audio Output Device
Set Audio Recording Device
Set Default Playback Device in Windows
- Check that your device is properly connected, and that any necessary drivers are installed
- It is also a good idea to make sure that your sound device is turned on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Right-click on the speaker symbol in the Windows taskbar/system tray
Windows 7/8.x—Select Playback Devices. The Sound window will open with the Playback tab highlighted
Windows 10/11—Select Open Sound Settings then click the link under 'Related Settings' for Sound Control Panel, then click the Playback tab
- Alternatively, after selecting Open Sound Settings, use the dropdowns under the Output header
Windows 7/8.x—Select Playback Devices. The Sound window will open with the Playback tab highlighted
- Find your device in the window
- A Plugable USB 3.0 docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as Plugable Audio
- A Plugable USB 3.0 Silicon Motion docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as SMI USB Audio
- A Plugable USB 2.0 docking station will appear as USB Multimedia Audio Device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
- Right-click on the device you found in step 3 and select Set as Default Device. A check mark should appear next to your device, and sound should now play through it
- Click OK to exit the window
Additional Configuration for Bluetooth
Please see our pairing and configuration guide for Bluetooth devices.
Set Default Playback Device in macOS
- Open System Preferences
- Click Sound
- Select Output
- Select the most appropriate device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
Set Default Playback Device in Linux
- Ensure that you audio device is connected to the PC
- If the audio device is self-powered, it is a good idea to make sure that it is powered on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Launch the 'Settings' application in your distro
- Go to the 'Sound' option
- Find the dropdown for your 'Output Device', and change it to your preferred output device
- For additional sound device controls, you may want to consider using Pulseaudio Volume Controls (package name pavucontrol)
Set Default Recording Device in Windows
- Check that your device is properly connected, and that any necessary drivers are installed
- It is also a good idea to make sure that your sound device is turned on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Right-click on the speaker symbol in the Windows taskbar/system tray
Windows 7/8.x—Select Recording Devices. The Sound window will open with the Recording tab highlighted
Windows 10/11—Select Open Sound Settings then click the link under 'Related Settings' for Sound Control Panel, then click the Recording tab
- Alternatively, after selecting Open Sound Settings, use the dropdowns under the Input header
Windows 7/8.x—Select Recording Devices. The Sound window will open with the Recording tab highlighted
- Find your device in the window
- A Plugable USB 3.0 DisplayLink docking station or sound-enabled display adapter will appear as Plugable Audio
- A Plugable USB 2.0 docking station will appear as USB Multimedia Audio Device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
- Right-click on the device you found in step 3 and select Set as Default Device. A check mark should appear next to your device, and sound should now play through it
- Click OK to exit the window
Additional Configuration for Bluetooth
Please see our pairing and configuration guide for Bluetooth devices.
Set Default Recording Device in macOS
- Open System Preferences
- Click Sound
- Select Input
- Select the most appropriate device
- A Plugable USB Audio adapter will appear as USB Audio Device
Set Default Recording Device in Linux
- Ensure that you audio device is connected to the PC
- If the audio device is self-powered, it is a good idea to make sure that it is powered on, and that the device's volume control is not at the absolute minimum setting
- Launch the 'Settings' application in your distro
- Go to the 'Sound' option
- Find the dropdown for your 'Input Device', and change it to your preferred input device
- For additional sound device controls, you may want to consider using Pulseaudio Volume Controls (package name pavucontrol)
My Docking Station/Adapter Works Well With My Windows Laptop, but When I Close the Lid the Displays and Laptop Turn Off or Sleep. How Do I Fix This?
Most Windows notebook computers power management settings will default to putting the computer to sleep with the lid closed, regardless of any external displays, keyboard, or mouse connected to the computer. If this is happening but you would prefer the system to remain active with the lid closed utilizing the external display or displays, these settings can be changed by performing the following:
For Windows 10:
- Start by right-clicking on the Start button and select Power Options from the menu.
- From the right side of the Power Options settings page, select the blue link for Additional power settings
- From the choices present on the left-hand side of the Power Options window, please click on Choose what closing the lid does
- Make sure the setting for When I close the lid under the Plugged In column is set to Do Nothing
- Click the Save Changes button and restart the system (making sure that the laptop’s power adapter is also connected) and test the behavior again.
For Windows 11:
- Start by right-clicking on the Start button and select Power Options from the menu.
- In the upper left corner of the settings window, in the search box, type "lid" then select Change what closing the lid does from the search results
- Make sure the setting for When I close the lid under the Plugged In column is set to Do Nothing
- Click the Save Changes button to apply the new settings.
Closing the lid should no longer put the computer into sleep mode when an external display and power source is connected, instead one of the external displays should now become the Primary display with the desktop icons instead of the laptop's built-in display.
The lid may still need to be opened to perform the following tasks:
- To power on the computer from a fully powered off state
- To log into the computer if logged out or if the computer is restarted with the lid closed
- To wake the computer from a deep sleep state ( hibernation, or Windows hybrid sleep states )
Silicon Motion InstantView Installation Instructions for macOS 10.15, 11, 12, and 13+
How to install the Silicon Motion InstantView application based on your macOS version.
If you are unsure of the macOS version you are using → Click on the Apple logo in the top left of your mac display and select ‘About This Mac’.
macOS 13.x and newer
***For macOS 10.15 through macOS 12.x please click here***
1. Download the Silicon Motion InstantView application for your version of macOS from here.
2. Double-click on the file you downloaded to start the application installer
3. Drag the macOS InstantView app icon to the Applications icon: (Please be sure to drag the 'macOS InstantView' application to the 'Application' icon inside of the 'macOS InstantView' window itself.)
4. Navigate to your Launchpad or Applications folder to locate the InstantView app and double click to launch it
5. Click Open
6. Click Open System Preferences. Note: this should automatically open the Security and Privacy section, but if it does not you can manually open the Security and Privacy settings
7. Click on the switch to enable screen recording for the macOS InstantView application.
8. If prompted, enter your password and click the ‘Modify Settings’ button:
9. You will be prompted to Quit and Reopen the InstantView application in order for the change to take effect. Please do so:
11. The software has now been installed and you may connect your graphics adapter or docking station
** Please note - The Silicon Motion InstantView application does NOT in fact record or store any information. This permission must be granted in order for the InstantView application to access the information it needs in order to generate the image shown on the Silicon Motion-connected displays. **
Using the macOS Silicon Motion InstantView Application:
12. Right Click on the InstantView icon that is now present within the Apple Menu bar at the top of your screen. This will reveal the InstantView quick access menu:
13. Click "Display before Login" to enable the Silicon Motion-connected displays to be activated at the macOS Login Screen
14. In order to receive automatic InstantView application updates you can ensure that the Auto Update setting is checked
15. Left click on the InstantView icon within the Apple Menu bar at the top of your screen. This will reveal the InstantView application
16. You can quickly disconnect the displays and you can quickly change your Silicon Motion-connected displays to Mirrored or Extended mode
macOS 10.15 through macOS 12.x:
How to install the Silicon Motion InstantView application on macOS 10.15 through macOS 12.x:
1. Download the Silicon Motion InstantView application for your version of macOS from here.
2. Double-click on the file you downloaded to start the application installer
3. Drag the macOS InstantView app icon to the Applications folder in the window that opens:
4. Navigate to your Launchpad or Applications folder to locate the InstantView app and double click to launch it
5. Click Open
6. Click Open System Preferences. Note: this should automatically open the Security and Privacy section, but if it does not you can manually open the Security and Privacy settings
7. Click on the gold padlock at the bottom of the application window to enable changes.
8. If prompted, enter your password and click the ‘Unlock’ button:
9. Click to place a checkmark next to the macOS InstantView entry:
10. You will be prompted to Quit and Reopen the InstantView application in order for the change to take effect. Please do so:
11. The software has now been installed and you may connect your graphics adapter or docking station
** Please note - The Silicon Motion InstantView application does NOT in fact record or store any information. This permission must be granted in order for the InstantView application to access the information it needs in order to generate the image shown on the Silicon Motion-connected displays. **
Using the macOS Silicon Motion InstantView Application:
12. Right Click on the InstantView icon that is now present within the Apple Menu bar at the top of your screen. This will reveal the InstantView quick access menu:
13. Click "Display before Login" to enable the Silicon Motion-connected displays to be activated at the macOS Login Screen
14. In order to receive automatic InstantView application updates you can ensure that the Auto Update setting is checked
15. Left click on the InstantView icon within the Apple Menu bar at the top of your screen. This will reveal the InstantView application
16. You can quickly disconnect the displays and you can quickly change your Silicon Motion-connected displays to Mirrored or Extended mode
Why Does Image Quality With My Silicon Motion Graphics Adapter or Docking Station Not Seem As Crisp As My Laptop Screen or Directly Connected External Monitor?
Silicon Motion technology uses the Silicon Motion software driver on Windows and Silicon Motion InstantView application on macOS to generate a "virtual desktop" image that is sent over a USB connection to the adapter. These pixels are rendered by the Silicon Motion chip within the adapter to then send a video image to the connected monitors.
Because of the amount of data being sent the software driver must compress the data being sent so it can pass through efficiently over USB connections. This is why some images may not appear as "crisp" using a Silicon Motion adapter or docking station.
In our testing, Red colors are primarily affected where they can appear pixelated or blurry when viewed closely.
Blue Light Reduction Applications Are Not Working While Connected to my Silicon Motion USB Dock or Adapter
The Silicon Motion driver does not currently support this type of color adjustment. As a result, applications like f.lux, Night Shift or Night Light will not affect displays connected to a Silicon Motion-based docking station or video adapter.
I Can't Use My Intel, NVIDIA, or AMD/ATI Graphics Utility to Manage the Monitors Connected to My Silicon Motion-Based Docking Station/Graphics Adapter. Why?
The graphical software utilities provided by Intel, NVIDIA and AMD/ATI are designed to only recognize and work with graphics adapters made by their respective manufacturers. As a result, they will not recognize USB-attached displays connected to a Silicon Motion-based docking station or graphics adapter.
It is recommended to use the facilities built-in to Windows to manage the connected displays. These would be the ‘Display Settings’ application on Windows 10 and ‘Screen Resolution’ application on Windows 8.1 and 7. Both of these applications are available by right-clicking on empty space within the Windows desktop and selecting the appropriate choice from the context menu that appears.
Why Doesn't the "Display Color Calibration" Tool in Windows Affect the Display(s) Attached to My Silicon Motion-Based Docking Station/Video Adapter?
The Silicon Motion driver does not support color calibration functionality of any kind. Most monitors have built-in controls that can be used to adjust the characteristics of the display, though we realize this approach may not be ideal in all cases. For environments that necessitate near-perfect color reproduction and display calibration capabilities via software, a dedicated graphics card is recommended.
Are Plugable USB Video Adapters or Docking Stations Based on Silicon Motion Technology Compatible With Touchscreens?
Touchscreens that do not require drivers and use the host’s operating system’s built-in USB Human Interface drivers (HID) to record touch inputs can be made to work with our products, however Plugable does not provide support for doing so due the complexity of multi-monitor touch screen setups.
If I Add a Silicon Motion-Based Docking Station or Graphics Adapter to My System, Will That Prevent My System’s Built-In Video Outputs From Working?
No, the Silicon Motion device's presence on your system will not preclude the use of any of your system’s built-in video outputs.
Can I Adjust the Brightness of a Display Connected to My Silicon Motion-Based Docking Station or Video Adapter via the Windows ‘Display Settings’ Application?
Windows does not have the ability to adjust the brightness of a display connected using Silicon Motion technology. We recommend making use of the display’s internal on-screen menu options in order to adjust the display's brightness.
Do Silicon Motion Graphics Adapters and Docking Stations Work on macOS?
Our Silicon Motion-based graphics adapters and docking stations are supported with macOS, albeit with potential limitations that one would expect with a directly connected external monitor.
Supports closed-display mode (aka clamshell mode) | - No with macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 11 Big Sur on Intel-based systems - Yes, with macOS 12+ on Intel-based systems (an external power source must be connected to the Mac) - Yes, with macOS 11+ on Apple M1, M2, and M3-based systems (an external power source must be connected to the Mac) |
Supports display ‘rotation’ | - No with Intel-based systems. - Yes, with macOS 11+ when using an Apple M1, M2, or M3-based system and when using the Silicon Motion InstantView app version 3.13 R02 or newer. Download available here. |
Supports macOS ‘Login screen’ | - Yes, by enabling "Display before Login" in the settings menu |
Supports Blue Light Reduction / Night Shift | - No, Night Shift and other blue light reduction software is not supported |
Applications That Use OpenGL Such As Google Sketchup or Google Earth Do Not Work As Expected When Connected to a Silicon Motion-Based Graphics Adapter or Docking Station
Graphics adapters and docking stations based on Silicon Motion USB video technology are in essence a 'virtual' graphics adapter that relies on the host laptop's CPU and internal physical graphics processing unit (aka as GPU) to generate the information shown on the Silicon Motion-attached displays.
In rare instances, Windows applications that use a technology known as OpenGL to draw the image shown on the display will attempt to direct OpenGL related tasks to the Silicon Motion-based virtual graphics adapter, and not to the 'real'/'physical' GPU within the laptop.
Since the adapter or dock is not a physical GPU that supports OpenGL, this can sometimes cause applications that make use of OpenGL (such as Google Earth or AutoCAD) to not work as expected or result in various types of error messages.
The true root cause of this behavior can vary, and ultimately lies outside of the adapter, docking station or its associated Silicon Motion driver. In some cases the root cause lies within the Windows driver for the host system's physical GPU and in rarer cases within the Windows operating system itself.
In some cases updating either the driver for the system's internal GPU or updating Windows itself (when Microsoft provides such updates) can help, however that is unfortunately not always the case.
If updating those components does not help, in most cases there are two possible workarounds.
The first is to configure Windows to have the ‘Main’ display set to a display directly connected to the host system's built-in internal GPU, whether that is an internal laptop display or another external display connected to one of the system's built-in video outputs (a quick guide to doing so is here -> https://youtu.be/7nnKztRZXsw).
If the first option does not prove a suitable workaround, the second option is to boot the system without the adapter or dock connected, launching the affected application, and then connecting the adapter or dock may also help.
Legacy macOS Silicon Motion Driver Installation Instructions
'Legacy' Silicon Motion Driver installation for macOS 10.14 Mojave
** Before you begin **
If have installed a previous version of the Silicon Motion driver, please uninstall it and then reboot your system before proceeding.
1. Download the latest driver for macOS 10.14 Mojave from here -> Link
2. Navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click on the Silicon Motion driver download
3. The disk image of the driver will mount, and automatically open the Silicon Motion Installer main landing page
4. Double-click on the ‘SMI USB Display Driver Installer.pkg’ file. The SMI USB Display Driver Installer page will open
5. Click ‘Continue’ at the Introduction step
6. Click the ‘Continue' at the Read Me step.
Note: This Read Me step mentions that the Silicon Motion software must be allowed in the macOS Security & Privacy settings - this is an important step starting in Step x of these instructions
7. Click ‘Install’
8. Enter your system password and click the ‘Install Software’ button
10. Click 'Continue Installation'
11. Click on the ‘Open Security Preferences’ button
12. Click the ‘Allow’ button at the bottom of the window to grant permission for the extension to be loaded.
** Important note – this approval must be granted within 30 minutes of the driver installation or the process will not work. A fresh installation must be performed to reset this timer. **
There is also a chance that the warning message about the blocked System Extension will not appear, but macOS may still block the extension. After the driver installation completes, please double-check that the necessary approval was granted by clicking the ‘System Preferences’ icon (the gear) and then clicking on the ‘Security & Privacy’ icon. From the window that appears please ensure the Silicon Motion driver is Approved by clicking the ‘Allow’ button.
12. Close the ‘Security and Privacy’ window. The Silicon Motion installation should now complete
13. You may also elect to move the Silicon Motion driver installer to the Trash Bin by clicking 'Move to Trash' or you may keep it by clicking 'Keep'
'Legacy' Silicon Motion Driver removal for macOS
1. Download the Silicon Motion driver package for macOS 10.14 Mojave from here -> Link
2. Navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click on the Silicon Motion driver download
2. Double-click on the 'SMI USB Display Driver Uninstaller' to begin the uninstallation wizard
3. Click the ‘Uninstall’ button
4. Enter your account password and click ‘OK’
5. After a few moments the process will complete. Click the ‘Restart’ button to complete the removal process.
Can Silicon Motion and DisplayLink-based Docking Stations and Graphics Adapters Work Together?
Yes! As long as the software drivers for both Silicon Motion and DisplayLink-based products are installed on the same computer these two USB graphics solutions can work together and be used at the same time.
My Silicon Motion-based USB Docking Station or USB Video Adapter Is Not Working As Expected
When a Plugable Silicon Motion device is not working as expected with a Windows system, the best practice is to disconnect the device from the host system (and remove it's external power source, if it has one) and perform a manual installation of the latest version we recommend of the required Silicon Motion software driver to help ensure both are in a good state. To do so, please follow these steps:
- Disconnect the Plugable Silicon Motion USB docking station or video adapter from the host system. If the product you are using has an external power adapter (for example a USB docking station), please also disconnect the power adapter from the product so that the unit resets. Please keep everything disconnected until prompted
- Uninstall any and all software with 'Silicon Motion' in the title that is present from within the Control Panel > Programs and Features (Apps and Features in Windows 10). If an entry is not listed in the Programs and Features application, the driver was likely installed automatically by Windows Update. Please then move on to the next step of installing the latest recommended driver
- Once the uninstallation has completed running, restart the host system (even if not prompted to)
- Download and install the latest version (that we recommend) of the Silicon Motion software driver
- If you disconnected the power adapter from your product in step one, please reconnect it so the device powers on, then reconnect the product to the host system. If the product is still not working as expected, please restart the host system one more time.
If, after having completed this process, your Plugable Silicon Motion device is still not working as expected, please reach out to us directly via support@plugable.com with the output of our PlugDebug diagnostic utility and we will be happy to help
Understanding Heat Generation in Electronics
It's not uncommon for users to notice a certain level of heat generation from electronics and by extension, Plugable products during operation. In this knowledge base article, we'll explore the reasons behind this heat generation and why it is considered a normal experience within reasonable limits.
Electronics, by their nature, generate heat during operation. This is primarily a result of the electrical current flowing through various components, such as integrated circuits, transistors, and other electronic elements. As Plugable products are designed to efficiently process and transfer data (among other functionality), some level of heat generation is inherent.
Factors Influencing Heat Generation:
- Power Consumption: The power consumption of a device directly influences the amount of heat it generates. Higher power usage, especially during data transfer or charging processes, can lead to increased heat.
- Enclosure Design: The design of the product's enclosure and its ability to dissipate heat play a crucial role. Adequate ventilation and heat sinks are often incorporated to manage and disperse generated heat effectively. This is evident in our TBT3-UDZ and TBT4-UDZ designs. The metal case in these docks are designed to function as a heatsink with thermal pads placed throughout the enclosure. This allows heat dissipation from inside to the outside, but will also make it feel as if the device is “too hot”.
- Ambient Temperature: The external environment may also play a role. Higher ambient temperatures can contribute to increased perceived heat from the product. This means that summer temperatures may increase the heat generation of not just Plugable products, but many other electronic devices.
Normal Heat Levels: While it is normal for electronic devices to generate heat, Plugable products are engineered to operate within safe temperature ranges. We conduct rigorous testing to ensure that the heat generated during normal operation falls within industry-standard safety parameters. While not all products are or need to be UL certified, we try to go by UL guidelines for thermal readings. The UL threshold is 77C/170.6F, and we aim for around 71C/160F.
Tips for Users:
- Ventilation: Ensure that Plugable products have sufficient ventilation around them. Avoid placing them in enclosed spaces where heat dissipation may be impeded.
- Usage Patterns: Intensive tasks such as high-speed data transfer or charging multiple devices simultaneously may result in increased heat generation. This is generally normal but may be more noticeable in such scenarios.
- Accessories: A number of our devices will allow for the connection of USB accessories and as such, these will require power. If too many “power-hungry” devices are connected, this will cause the device to run much hotter than expected. Be sure to keep in mind the power limits of your dock/device.
In conclusion, experiencing heat from Plugable products is a normal aspect of their operation. Users can rest assured that we prioritize the safety and efficiency of our devices. By understanding the factors influencing heat generation and following simple usage guidelines, users can make the most of their Plugable products while ensuring a reliable and efficient user experience.
Adding Additional Monitors to Expand Any Docking Station or Hub Using Plugable USB Graphics Adapters
A productive work space for technology professionals has much to benefit from adding multiple screens for increased productivity by as much as 42%. Our blog post “Can Multiple Monitors Really Double Productivity” highlights a few different ways to add additional monitors through our USB graphics adapters, docking stations, and USB hubs.
Most docking stations are limited to adding 1, 2, and even up to 4 displays depending on the model. But what if you want to add more monitors without replacing your docking station? Whether you have a Plugable dock – or a dock from Dell, HP, Belkin, Anker, or virtually any other brand – adding USB graphics adapters lets you enable more displays than your current setup would otherwise be capable of.
Both DisplayLink and Silicon Motion with its unique graphics transport technology enables users to add additional monitors through using USB and sparse use of your computer's resources. All you need is an open USB port on your existing docking station or hub and a USB graphics adapter from Plugable.
No matter what type of connection your monitor uses, Plugable has several different types of USB Graphics Adapters that feature HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, VGA – even combinations with multiple outputs and port types. Our USB Graphics Adapters are available in options for a single display, dual display, and even quad display.
For Windows and Mac users the Plugable USBC-6950U using DisplayLink technology can do precisely this by enabling you to easily add two 4K HDMI or DisplayPort monitors to your computer. The adapter has the flexibility to connect either to a USB 3.0 or USB-C connector. At this time Plugable recommends only a maximum of 8 external monitors on Windows if using 4K resolution monitors with DisplayLink, and a maximum of 4 external monitors with Silicon Motion. This setup is ideal for adding screens for day traders, spreadsheets, and productivity use cases.
On macOS there are limitations to how many external monitors can be supported natively, and this can vary depending on the model of the Mac. With the popular base M1 / M2 / M3* MacBooks, those laptops are limited to only support a single external monitor. Our Plugable USBC-768H4 Quad-HDMI adapter is a great option to exceed this limitation to add up to four 1080p monitors for MacBooks that would otherwise only support a single monitor for a total of 5 monitors.
Curious to see this expandability in action? As a proof of concept Plugable has tested using as many as 14 external monitors using a combination of our DisplayLink graphics adapters and our USB hubs, featured on our YouTube channel.
If you have any questions on setting up a multi-monitor setup, please contact Plugable Support Plugable support.
* Note that the base M3 can output to 2 external displays when the built in screen is disabled or the lid is closed (clamshell mode). This feature is planned for a later date on the base M3 MacBook Pro and is currently available on the M3 MacBook Air.
* Additional SKUs: USBC-6950M, USB3-3900DHE, USBC-6950UE, UGA-HDMI-S, USBC-768H4, UGA-HDMI-2S, UGA-DP-S, USB-VGA-165, UGA-4KHDMI, UGA-4KDP, UGA-3000, UGA-2KHDMI, UGA-165
macOS InstantView and "Screen Recording" Troubleshooting
If you have installed your Silicon Motion-enabled docking station or graphics adapter and downloaded the Silicon Motion software, but see that no displays are working properly, you may need to enable “Screen Recording”. In this guide, we will go over a short list of steps to enable this permission, and get your Silicon Motion device up and running!
As of macOS Catalina (version 10.15), Silicon Motion drivers that are installed require that the “Screen Recording” permission be granted by the user. While this permission, when used in conjunction with Silicon Motion, is not recording in a traditional sense, it does allow the software to access the pixels it needs to render images (mirrored or extended). It then sends these pixels over USB from the computer to the display connected to your Silicon Motion device.
When on your desktop you will see a purple screen icon, this message will appear saying that "macOS InstantView is capturing your screen". No sort of video storage or screen recording is being done by macOS InstantView, it's simply capturing the screen to render images for the additional monitors.
Note: It does not capture or send any data.
When your Mac is on the lock screen, in the menu bar it will show "Your Screen is being observed". This message is simply implying that the macOS InstantView is running in the background.
In the macOS menu bar you will see a Purple square with a person icon, if you select this it will show a message saying "Currently Sharing" this is the macOS InstantView software using the screen sharing API to enable your extended display. There is no recording or sharing of your monitor screen, this is just a generic message that macOS uses when the screen sharing API is being used.
During the installation process for the Silicon Motion drivers, you will be requested to allow “Screen Recording” for macOS InstantView. Additionally, you may see a notification during the macOS InstantView installation process. However, we understand sometimes these may get lost in a sea of information and other notifications.
How do I know if the Screen Recording permission hasn’t been set? Reference the image below to check in your “Privacy & Security” settings
If you have not enabled “Screen Recording”, please follow these few instructions to enable it.
- Click on the Apple icon (defaults to the top left corner of your screen) and select “System Preferences”.
- Navigate to and click “Security & Privacy”.
- In this window, select “Privacy”.
- A list will be presented, scroll until you find “Screen Recording” and click on it.
- Displayed on the bottom left, there is a lock icon, click on this to make changes.
- If prompted, login using your computer credentials to make changes.
- Check the box next to macOS InstantView.
- You will be promoted to “Quit & Reopen”, click this button.
- Click on the lock icon once more to save your changes.
Note: Some of these steps may vary slightly based on your macOS version.
You should now be able to see your displays on your docking station or adapter. If you have completed the above steps successfully and still do not see your displays, please be sure to reach out to our support team at support@plugable.com.
How to Use Two External Displays with the Lid Closed on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro M3
With the release of Apple’s M3 CPU chips and the Sonoma 14.6 update your base MacBook Air and MacBook Pro systems with M3 chips can now host two external displays natively in clamshell mode. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using two external displays with the lid closed on your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro equipped with an Apple M3 chip.
Before getting started, ensure you have the following:
- MacBook Air or MacBook Pro with an Apple M3 chip.
- macOS Sonoma 14.3 or later for an M3 MacBook Air or macOS Sonoma 14.6 or later for an M3 MacBook Pro.
- Two external displays with compatible video inputs (e.g., HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C).
- A dock or graphics adapter can be used as well.
- External keyboard and mouse (wired or wireless).
- Power adapter or power source for your MacBook
- A docking station that provides adequate charge can be used in place of the native power adapter, be sure to check the wattage your dock provides.
Steps to Set Up Dual External Displays with the Lid Closed
1. Set Up Your External Keyboard and Mouse
- If you’re using a wired keyboard and mouse, connect them directly to your MacBook or Plugable dock.
- For wireless peripherals, ensure they are paired with your MacBook and functioning properly.
- An AC adapter/power cable of some kind will also need to be connected for clamshell mode to function properly. This adapter can be one from a docking station or the included Apple adapter.
2. Connect Your Displays
- Connect the first external display to your MacBook using the appropriate cable (e.g., HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C)
- Close your laptop’s lid.
- Connect the second external display using a similar method.
- Ensure both displays are powered on and set to the correct input source.
3. Configure Display Settings
- Open System Settings on your MacBook.
- Go to Displays.
- You should see both external displays listed. Arrange them according to your preference by dragging the display icons.
- Adjust the resolution, refresh rate, and other settings as needed.
4. Enable "Clamshell Mode" (Lid Closed Mode)
- With your external displays connected and set up, close the lid of your MacBook.
- Your MacBook will automatically switch to "Clamshell Mode," where the internal display turns off, and the external displays become your primary screens.
- Ensure your MacBook is connected to a power source to prevent it from entering sleep mode.
5. Check the Display Arrangement
- With the lid closed, check that the external displays are functioning as expected.
- If necessary, re-open the Displays settings to adjust the arrangement, resolution, or other preferences.
Troubleshooting Tips
- No Display on External Monitors: If the external displays are not showing anything, open the lid of your MacBook and check the connections.
- MacBook Sleeps When Lid Is Closed: Make sure your MacBook is connected to a power adapter. Clamshell Mode requires the MacBook to be plugged into an external power source.
- Performance Issues: If you experience lag or performance drops, try lowering the resolution or refresh rate of the external displays.
Thunderbolt Dock Users
With these steps, one can use Plugable Thunderbolt docks to enjoy a dual-display setup without the need for additional software installation. The dock leverages the native capabilities of the MacBook Air M3 and MacBook Pro M3, providing a straightforward and efficient solution for expanding your workspace with additional USB ports, audio, and ethernet (as well as the dual displays).
Additional Resources
If you should need any assistance with your setup, please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@plugable.com.
I installed the macOS InstantView Application on my Mac running macOS 15 in order to use my Plugable Silicon Motion-based docking station or video adapter. When I connected my Plugable device to my Mac, I received a prompt to 'Allow'
In brief, the prompt is part of a new security feature Apple introduced with macOS 15 Sequoia.
For reference, an example of the prompt is included below:
In order to use your Silicon Motion-based product, you must click the ‘Allow For One Month’ button within the prompt you received. In one month’s time, you will be prompted to renew this authorization for an additional month. This renewal process will continue each month thereafter.
To expand further, when initially installed the macOS InstantView Application must be granted ‘Screen Recording’ permission within the macOS Security & Privacy settings in order to function.
*** An important note, the macOS InstantView Application does NOT in fact record or store any information. This permission must be granted in order for the macOS InstantView to access the information it needs in order to generate the image shown on the Silicon Motion driven displays. ***
With the release of macOS 15 Sequoia, Apple has instituted a new policy whereby this permission must initially be allowed for one month and then be renewed on a monthly basis. If the permission is not renewed, then the Silicon Motion device will not function.